Austen Bowl 2011

Anyone besides me consider the Super Bowl a major yawn? I sent my four sons to watch the football game with my dad (I’m sure he needed some male bonding time) to free up our TV for the umpteenth viewing of Pride and Prejudice. (The 1996 A&E version, naturally. Colin Firth IS Mr. Darcy.)

Since so many folks were tweeting and Facebooking about the Super Bowl, I decided to offer a literary alternative: play-by-play commentary on the Austen Bowl (#austenbowl on Twitter). Judging by the number of FB likes and comments, it struck a nerve with my fellow bibliophiles.

If you missed the real-time updates, don’t despair. I’ve collected the entire stream here. Tell your friends about it, and maybe next year we can schedule an official Austen Bowl event worldwide!


What are you making for the Super Bowl? I’m making my boys watch the game at PopPop’s house so I can watch a Jane Austen movie.

I take Pride in my Prejudice against the Super Bowl.

My prediction: After a few fumbles, Team Darcy will win!

Kickoff! Darcy Steels himself with pride; Elizabeth Packs a lot of prejudice.

Mrs. Bennet passes the news: Netherfield Park is let at last.

Darcy watches from the sidelines as Miss Bingley & Elizabeth move across the field. Look out for your blind side, Lizzy!

I’ll take Melvyn Tan’s fortepiano & Carl Davis’s P&P music over the Black Eyed Peas any day.

Netherfield has the ball!

Mr. Collins fumbles; Charlotte Lucas intercepts.

Team Netherfield has left for London. Team Bennet mourns.

Sir William Lucas cheers: “Capital! Capital!”

The clash resumes at Rosings & Hunsford. Darcy fumbles & leaves the field in disgrace.

The Super Bowl is over, but Pride & Prejudice is only at halftime.

The enduring power of classic literature far outweighs the ephemeral entertainment of a ballgame.

Darcy plays defense; Elizabeth still cries foul.

The game shifts to Pemberley. Quarterbacks Darcy & Elizabeth seem to have shifted their competition to a new level.

Lydia defects to Team Wickham, bringing disgrace and despair to Team Bennet.

Darcy tackles Wickham on behalf of Team Bennet.

Bingley returns to the field, proposes to Jane. Touchdown, Bingley!

Interference, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Touchdown, Darcy!

Thanks for joining us for #austenbowl 2011. Tune in next time for an epic match-up between Sense & Sensibility.

4 thoughts on “Austen Bowl 2011”

  1. LOL>.. this is great! I love it and so much better than the Super Bowl…but don’t tell my evenly split group at home. Mikey (10) kept trying to get his Dad to change sides so they could “like” the same team. He just didn’t feel right rooting for the other team. Next year, I’m with you…or maybe sometime soon. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is my kind of bowl game … and the only reason I’d consider joining Facebook. 🙂 Very creative, Mary Jo! Please keep us posted on the S&S bowl.

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