Why We Should Write in Our Books

Great thoughts from Steve Leveen (of Levenger) on why we should write in our books.

I find it nearly impossible to read without a pencil in hand.

I underline, star, or bracket important passages, write captions or keywords at the tops of pages, argue with the author in the margin, create my own index in the front, and more.

Naturally, it’s extremely difficult for me to read a library book. If you MUST read a book which you do not own, use an index card as a bookmark and make a list of pages you want to come back to in order to take notes. (I find that actually taking notes as I’m reading slows me down too much.)

3 thoughts on “Why We Should Write in Our Books”

  1. YES YES YES!! My kids all laugh that they can tell whether or not I’ve read a book by the marking or lack thereof markings. 🙂

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